The Zebrafrog from

And 44 more at

Ice Snail from the 2008 World Ice Art Championships in Fairbanks Alaska found on simonsonjh's photostream on Flick

A compilation of various works here 40 Insane Ice Sculptures
Simply amazing!

Pretty cool design this landing page, click on it to view the website to get the full texture effect.

Awesome handwork and well taken pics. More castles in the skies stories at My Milk Toof

The office was buzzing with jokes of the latest tech buzz, something called the iPad. Not really bothered with hyped up products (until I find them useful at some later time) I didn't get involved in the conversations and left it to my own finding out later when I had time to. A buddy posted on Facebook his take on the iPad on his Posterous page and it had summed it up for me.

The All New Apple iPad

And today on Tech Edition reads about the reactions over the name and stating that some female bloggers wrote that Apple seemed not to have any women on its marketing team over the insensitive naming of a product with this article iPad name draws feminine hygiene jokes

And to cap it off, here are 19 Rejected Names for the Apple iPad on Techland.

Naturally, iPad is a trending topic on Twitter so lots of reading to pick through..

While snoozing and waiting for the next alarm to go off, I was wishing for a text message from a particular someone.. it hadn't developed into a habit but there were the rare times when I was greeted with one in the morning. The need for one was persistent this morning but as usual it was filed under 'It's OK'. Good thing is I didn't forget to bring my phone with me for the day.