I got a sneak preview of the new Nuffnang office and it's really cheery and breezy! Jez like the team! Incidentally it's the same colour as Blogspot's logo. Come to think of it, our company logo is also in orange!
From the pictures of the office, I can just imagine how bright it can get in there from the glaring sun blazing in thru the full length windows, specially these days when it's always so hOt and sunny!
A quick drop in to RealMart and i found the perfect "office" warming gift to the Nuffnang team!TAG sunnies! They are ultra light weight and a comfortable fit that Timothy can have them on thru the day, in and out of the office. It's so trendy it reminds me of an astonishing man, the Cyclops who shoots rays thru his!
I suppose we can't have all the Nuffnang guys wearing exact same shades and walking around like it's a uniform. Individuality comes into play and different pairs to suit each character.. So, for Robb I think this will bring out the best of him!Very metrosexual! Not too dark yet cuts off the glare! He can even wear it out regardless of day or night and people watch to check out some hunks without being too obvious about it! ;D (but I think Robb would love to be known that he's eyeing someone!)
I even found one that I thought will add the extra edge to Nicholas Chay. He'd look quite glam if he had worn this to the Artistry event.And then, there's this for Yee Hou!
Becoz he's goes:
(what's with the chair?! lol!!)
I know there's so much more on RealMart that I think could be useful to the team and their new office.
And all this browsing on RealMart really got to me! Gonna register online now and get my Real Rewards membership number to really start purchasing online! For myself! hehe
Damn petrol price hike is really infringing into my budget for material things! ;D
Posted by
Goddess of Glen
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